TRJ1001-2 Rev(1) 3Color wTag PMS 2035

Web Site Sponsorship Policy

What the MPCPA will do for sponsors:


Put your banner on our front page

Add your name/company to our list of sponsors page

Offer limited help with design of your banner and/or page

What we will not do:

Graphics design

Frequent changes on the banner or dedicated page

The Michigan Police Combat Pistol Association has operated an Internet Web site since 1999 that has proven to be a valuable asset to the Association and shooting public. The Association appreciates those individuals and organizations that support shooting sports in general and Police Pistol Combat shooting in particular.

The MPCPA will offer sponsors a banner on its home page at www.mpcpa.org. The banner will be approximately 450 x 80 pixels in size and may include graphics or text. Graphics must be supplied by the sponsor.

One internal page dedicated to the sponsor may be linked from the banner. A link to an external web site can be provided from the banner or from the dedicated page. The dedicated page should be put together by the sponsor, the MPCPA will offer only limited help in designing that page. The page may not exceed 64kb in size, and must include a "back" button so that viewers may be able to easily return to the MPCPA home page. If you need data on the banner or dedicated page to change frequently, please check with the Webmaster to make sure that the changes can be accomplished with minimal impact on our staff.

The Board of Directors of the MPCPA reserves the right to cancel and or remove any sponsorship WITH explanation to the sponsor.

Sponsorship will last for one calendar year beginning with the month that the sponsorship is established. Sponsorship will be established by:


1. Payment to MPCPA

2. Delivery of content to Webmaster (we may be able to offer limited help with simple design.)

3. Posting on the web site by the Webmaster. The month of posting will not count in your 12 months of sponsorship.


The MPCPA will notify the sponsor 60 days before their sponsorship expires. The banner and any links or pages will be removed at the end of the 12th month of sponsorship. The sponsor’s name will remain on the "list of sponsors" page, but no link will be available to former sponsors.


Sponsorship Costs:

Banner on www.mpcpa.org main page: $100

Internal dedicated page: $75 each (you must have a banner for this service)

2025 Sponsors

Website Created & Hosted with Doteasy Web Hosting Canada